On Mothers Day, my daughter %26amp; her kids didn't remember me. No gift, no flowers, no card, no visit.
They are buying their first house, and thinking about that, not other things, like holidays.
In a couple of days, I am going to visit. Do you think I should point out that I have a birthday coming up?.
I was kind of thinking about saying something like "My birthday is at the end of this month, you know. I am reminding you now, because it really hurt my feelings that nobody remembered me on Mothers Day."
Should I say that, or just wait %26amp; hope she remembers me? She will be moving into her new house the week before my birthday, %26amp; I am afraid she will forget me again.She's my only surviving child. Aside from my husband, if I get a present at all, it would have to come from her.
I am not mercinary, not looking for a huge gift. But, a little thing, just to show me that she remembered would mean a lot.
What would you do?
Got my feelings hurt recently?
awww....thats sad but i feel for u. u should confront her and say what u want. i know that it would upset my mom if i did that to her. and of course ur birthday is coming up. u need some sign or anything from her to show she cares. even though she has been so busy she needs to show u some luv. (no offence if im affending her or something). u deserve that. mothers do everything for us and sacrifice so much. the least we could do is atleast a phone call or a card or anything. i knw u dont ask for much which is really great of u and i respect u alot but seriously u have to remind her even if she thinks it makes u sound selfish or watever she would think. she's probably under alot of stress. so be kool about it. and i think u should say the line that u were going to say. alrighty well take care and good luck. just know that god remembers u everyday!
Reply:Why don't you invite her to your house for a birthday tea ?
Reply:oh dear, i know how you feel. I dread my birthday every year as its a case of will my family remember or not. Two years ago there was a serious family crisis and no one remembered till about a week later. I spent the evening in tears. Even for them just to have said happy birthday would have been enough. its not about presents its just about them remembering a special day in your life. Now about a week before my birthday i usually say something like im thinking of going for a meal for my birthday is there anywhere new opened i should try? Even if you dont go for a meal it remind them its your birthday. Unless your daughter reminds you outright that its her birthday i wouldnt come outright and say its my birthday what are you getting. just keep dropping little hints if you can.
Reply:Really feel for you there kiwi--no-one...but NO-ONE should forget they came into this world via their mother. There is no excuse big enough, no emergency dire enough, no holiday important enough for your daughter not to have bought and delivered you a nice card on mother's day. Its all very well being busy moving house and all that that entails--it is a very trying time for all concerned, i accept that...but we should not forget the important people in our lives--and to my mind, bricks and mortar, painting and scrubbing do not even come close to visiting a mother on that special of all day's in the year. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY KIWI--FROM US ON HERE, TO YOU OUT THERE:-))
Reply:Maybe just say, " I was wondering if you could all come up (weekend of your birthday) to go out to dinner for my birthday. Then you don't have to bring up mother's day. Did you call and wish her a happy mother's day?
Reply:That is the scariest thing of getting old when the children starts to have their own family there is a big possibility they will start ignoring you. But try to have a little party and invite all the people you love.
Reply:yes make a joke of it
thats just awful
Reply:Ask your daughter to spend the day with you as its your birthday.That would not sound so mercenary.
Reply:Sorry to be blunt, but I think you should grow up and stop acting like a little spoilt child.
Moving home is a huge and a very stressful and time consuming experience, yet all you are interested in is yourself. I would be more concerned in asking her if there was anyway I could help her, rather than whether I got a present for mothers day or my birthday.
Reply:You know it probably isn't the answer you want to hear, but don't worry about it. Letting the pain get to you is just going to tire you out and you don't want that. Show them that you can go on, on your own without them and they will see that they should acknowledge you on that very special day. By the way happy late mothers day too you!
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