For example... I am a Cancer and my favourite gifts would be... Flowers, A mug, A diary, Perfume, Silver jewelry, MOney, God Jewelry, Concert tickets, massage, celebrity autograph or a book.
What starsign (sunsign) are you? and what is your favourite gift to recieve?
I am a Libra and I would like a scale made of gold.
Reply:I'm a Taurus. To be honest I like money for a gift. I get the freedom to get what I want. I had trouble selling a stock once because I was reminded of how I bought it. I suppose I'm very sentimental in the silliest of ways. Aside from cash just give me something that reminds me of the person who sent it. Those things are precious to me. Believe it or not I have a rock that is the size of a marble that a friend gave me as a joke. I was twelve.
Very simple love and cash. What else is there?
Reply:Aquarius. I like odd stuff you can't find all the time. Jewelry, penguin objects, flowers, eyeshadows, candles, mini statues, perfume...hell, I'd be happy with a shiney rock off the floor!
Reply:i am a tauras and i would like perfume,bedding ,makeup and choclate :)
%26amp;hearts - Emma
Reply:i am a libra i like white tigers, dolphins, wolves and hematite
Reply:i'm a virgo
Marco Sanchez pics
Reply:i m a aquarius my fav gifts wud b flowers,silver jewelry,perfume as u said...other than that i wud love dresses like jeans,tops,salwar,cell phones,anything like that i luv all kinda r sumthing precious so nothing like that whatever we like we shud recieve...anything can b its a surprise...
Reply:Im a Capricorn....I like sentimental gifts from a girl(walgreens cards, and when theres alot of writing). Stuff thats unique like when someone makes something for u, that shows u care and put time and effort into it. I dont really ask for much, but like for christmas or b-day, I might suggest something instead. Money is always a safe bet, then I go to macys or something and buy some clothes, or blow it on fast food(taco bell)and gas since its like a billion dollars a gallon now, whichever comes
The last gift I and a date walked past a jewelry store in the mall that had a jar of pins/buttons that said "you're loved" and she took one and put it on my shirt. "CORN-BALL" haha..... but i would take that before a watch anyday. Little stuff like that.
Reply:Imma Leo. My fave gifts are books =) more than anything else.
Reply:I am a Leo. There is this sales insurance agent guy who I love very much and he is a very hot, very attractive, very handsome and very good-looking man and he has a great body. He would be my number one choice. My favorite gifts are hand cream, body spray and body lotion from Bath %26amp; Body Works, money and jewelry.
Reply:Im a gemini fav gifts would have to be crystals ima collector : )
Reply:I am a Aquarius, My favorite gift is Money.
Reply:I'm a Pisces and I would like to receive chocolate, flowers, and I collect angels (pics, figurines,). I also books pertaining to the foreign languages that teach the language, travel books that tell about a certain place or pointers about travelling there, and books about dreams symbols and their meanings. I also like Anne of Green Gables books. I can really relate to the character Anne Shirley.
Reply:I'm a Libra and I would like, money, music cd's, and hugs %26amp; kisses.
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