Friday, March 12, 2010

Are you more romantic than your partner....???

It seems like in my new six month relationship - I am always the one taking all the initiative, making all the moves, doing all the little romantic things, sending the text messages, buying the cards, the gifts, the flowers - and I want my boyfriend to reciprocate, but not because I ask him to - in which case it would have no meaning to me - but because he figures it out on his own.

Am I being unreasonable? Will he ever figure out what I want? How can I drop subtle hints without directly asking him? Are we just a poor match or are two very romantic people even more ill-suited for each other?

Thanks for you comments!!

Are you more romantic than your partner....???
Two suggestions!:

One. Stop doing those little things for him for a short while and see how he reacts. Maybe he'll miss that attention and he'll start doing them for you? ;)

Two. Consider the relationship. Either maybe you don't give him any space and so he's trying to tell you to slow it down, OR ... it's kinda like they said in the movie "Stardust" You are proving your love to him, but how is HE proving his love for you? Takes TWO to love, and as in all relationships (that involve dating lol), there must be love right?

Ofc, you can always just talk to him =] Honesty and communications are also important in relationships!
Reply:I think I am the romantic one in my relationship....or rather I have the romantic notions. My partner, bless her, is one of those very cut and dry people. Now she does have a HIGHLY romantic side and when it hits her....HOLY COW. She can send me for a loop. So when the romance is dished out then I just appreciate it as it comes. As for your own relationship, I think that you need to verbalize this to your partner. He isn't going to read your mind and sometimes people tend to get lax in the relationship....whether we mean to or not. Let him know somehow that you NEED to be romanticized as well. Otherwise you will grow resentful and there will end up being anger and hostility to emerge.

Just my thoughts!
Reply:ive been with my bf for a year and a half now and i'm always the one to do the romantic things, i love doing it. him, on the other hand only did it when we first started dating, now he doesnt do that type of stuff anymore, lol it sucks. ive tried leaving him a card with a rose in his glove compartment so he can see it on his way to work. i thought that would make him do something like that for me too, but it didnt happen. i think it depends on the guy, a lot of them just dont care for doing all the extra work. you both can still be a good match, just youre going to have to do the romantic stuff and you never know he can always turn around and start doing it eventually...good luck=]
Reply:Be totally upfront and honest with him . Ive been with my partner 7 years and ive had to tell him from time to time what i like etc and he has had to do the same . If they give a crap about you then they will listen and respond in the appropiate way
Reply:That happened to me with one of my EXs. Its either they dont really think much about it cuz they were raised in a different environment. OR they like the attention but not give it back cuz it takes so much effort. Sadly, for me it was the 2nd. What i did was talk about a secret crush someone had on me. They kept sending me thoughtful notes. He didnt like that. So he started to show more affection since he saw that i was flattered. Sorry to say not as much as i would've liked but at least it was something.


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