Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do you deliberately antagonize your wife?

If so, why? Do you like the feeling of power you have over seeing her get upset? Why would you want to "push her buttons" if you love her? Furthermore, why do you wait until she cries to apologize, and then you think sex, flowers and gifts are the answer, when you are only going to do the same thing over again? And why do you use excuses like "I'm stressed out at work." Or, is it just that deep down you think you can walk all over her because she let's you do this? Is this caveman behavior?

FYI, I am talking about words here, not physical abuse.

Do you deliberately antagonize your wife?
My husband said that he thinks it's funny to make me mad. I've since learned not to play the game. He still irritates me after 24 yrs of marital bliss!!!
Reply:I don't deliberately try to aggravate my wife - I do a good job of that without least my wife is not a drama queen like you seem to be....
Reply:No, I don't deliberately annoy her.
Reply:If your husband really does these things, then he's a control freak. Not really much difference between the physical abuser and him except with him, there's no outward marks others can see. If anything, he's the chicken sh!t compared to the physical abuser because he resorts to subterfuge so other people can't see what a d!ckheads he is. And as far as the gifts. flowers, etc, that's exactly what the physical abuser does afterwards. For a while afterwards, they're as nice as pie and the greatest guy around. That's why rather than put up with the mental cr@p that precedes a beating, many abused women hope the guy finally pounds on them so he'll be nice for a while. Kind of like the calm eye of a hurricane. Sounds crazy but not to the person who gets beat on. Caveman behavior? No. But it's obvious he has no respect for you and if he really truely does love you, he sure has a strange way of showing it. Take my word for it, he isn't going to get any better and there's a good chance he'll move on to physical abuse.
Reply:well, i deliberatly start arguing with my husband. it recharges me and entertains me. also make up sex is quite intence. and i consider him being too lucky and too successful. should put a tea spoon of tar in his barrel of honey. anyway, i do it cos he allows me. if he would have threatened me that if i argue one more time he would leave me and he meant it i would stop immediately.
Reply:First, a man knows that his wife is not stupid, or a fool. If that is the case then that says something about him. He may be what some would call a control freak. So, this maybe why he tries to push his wife's button. Not knowing one day he may push the wrong button, and he's shown the door. No! I do not intentionally antagonize my wife. I know that I have a very sharp tongue. Now, I have to go back and apologize. While, on the other hand, the wife is thinking to herself, I know it did not do that! Its hard to call back the words after you have

spoken them.

Besides the person whom the man calls his wife, partner, or soulmate, was given to him to be his suitable companion in life. Some mens have not been taught by their own fathers in how to treat their wives with respect when they were growing up. This is my advice to any young lady, or lady period to do, watch how your future husband's father how he treats his wife. If he cusses her out, calls her stupid and disrespects her in front of people, then you should rethink getting married to this person.

Because some men will grow up thinking there is nothing wrong with belittling his wife. The thing that will help you is, you must start on changing your ways, and show better fruits, as it says in the Scriptures "you shall know a tree by the fruit it bares." Men must learn how to think first before they speak, especially out of anger to their wives. Also, leave your work at the job.

This is not caveman mentality only, it is also stupidity on the man's part. He is responsible in how he treats his wife. Can you remember when your parents told you to do, or not to do, and you did it anyway. They would ask you, why did you do that? Your reply would be Mimi did it! Then they would tell you, but you knew better. As my Bishop told us once at church what his father-in-law had told him," I've already raised her, do not say anything out of the way to her or lay your hands on her, because I never did."
Reply:"well, i deliberatly start arguing with my husband. it recharges me and entertains me."

Mind games suck.
Reply:OMG, I'm not a guy, but I've been through that, and it's not fun. It's called emotional abuse when it happens repeatedly, and some say it's even more difficult to get away from, because there's always a justification. If you learn the answer to this golden question, you might just rule the world :)

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