Saturday, October 24, 2009

Should I give In and Contact her?

My gf and me argued two weeks ago about stupid stuff. She does this all the time, we are fighting more then being friends. She's much older then me. My friends say it's because she is setting her ways and she is an older lady. I miss her very much and during the Holidays it's worse. I want to email her although she said not to. I'm afraid to call her because I don't want the phone slammed in my ear. Some people are telling me to not contact her and others say follow my heart. I don't want her to think I'm weak by contacting her. In the past when she's done this, I usually contact her until she finally emails me and we talk. Someone told me I should wait for her to contact me but I know her and she won't. Too much pride and very stubborn. I've sent her flowers and gifts and everything in the past. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't. What should I do? Should I break down and contact her?

Should I give In and Contact her?
Why do you want to be with someone that argues with you all the time and plays mind games? Is it because you don't think you can get anyone else? Well, you probably can! And it'd be less stressful!

Give it up, go looking for someone else and maybe, if she realizes that she does care about you, she'll come back to you. If she's too stubborn and proud, then you're better off without her.
Reply:Well my advice is no. She obviously wants some space and by crowding her you could very well end up pushing her away. If you've tried already and she dont want to know then the ball is in her court, leave it at that.

At the risk of sounding sexist here, every woman I have been with seem to want most what they cant have, and on the flipside if they think something is readily available they'll want it less (this is almost certainly true for guys too). Try backing off, giving her some room, hell if I were you I'd outright ignore her. If she wants you back then she'll want you all the more, and if she doesnt want you back then brother, your better off without her.

FYI watch pulp fiction to see what marcellus wallace thinks about pride, and dont go nagging her, its not attractive.
Reply:Don't contact her just send her email cause of Christmas. She is now waiting for you to call like every time but i don't think that every fight you are wrong and you who call,so, you must stop this. And it's not good making a lot of fight, if you both love each other, you would try to be tolerant and to be more close.
Reply:Buddy definatley do not contact her.Have a back bone.She is waiting for you to fold. If this is the way she acts you don't need this in your life.Life to short for head games. Find someone who is around your own age,with less bagage.If she truly wants to be with you, She will contact you.If you fold now she will continue to do this to you.Have some self respect, There are some real great girls out there especially on this site meet one of them.
Reply:I believe that you should contact her I am a woman myself and we woman are very stubborn most of us will fall and the majority of us won't. I'm sure that she misses you and wants to contact you and I'm sure that everytime that she hears the phone ring she thinks it's you as well as you feel the same. There is no reason for you two to not be talking especially if you say it was for something stupid you should contact her and talk about it. That is the only way there will be an understanding between the two of you. Maybe you should ask her why she does not contact you when you two argue. Communicating is the best way to solve your differences. In my situation I am the one who always gives in to my hubby when we argue he's stubborn as your girlfriend is.The holidays are near and you want to be in peace so I hope you contact her after reading this opinion.
Reply:If she's worth it, but don't let her push you around and make you feel miserable. But yes especially if it's stupid put it behind you and try to move ahead.

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