Sunday, October 11, 2009

My boyfriend didn't get me gifts for my bday, and valentines?

I don't know what's wrong with my loser bf..

My bday was the last September 22nd, he didnt get me anything for my bday, took me to our regular sushi restaurant, spent $ 30 on it, and thats it.... He felt that I got upset for not getting me anything, so he went to walgreens and got me a perfume that I already have ( we live together by the way)..

I m not a gold digger or anything, but the least I expect from my bf is sth valuable,,,,not a freaking perfume, he got that to one of my friends that he doesn't even like on her b day.. Before valentine, he told me that he wanted to buy me an apple laptop for V day,,,

anyways, this valentine's day, not knowing that I was pregnant, I miscarried, shedulled an appt, to get the rest out,,, I was devastated. And guess what no apple laptop, not even a happy valentines day, or a flower,, . When we went to the doctor and it was time to pay, he gave me both of our credit cards, expecting me to pay for the procedure...

My boyfriend didn't get me gifts for my bday, and valentines?
He is such a moron ... If you're thinking of leaving him, you're doing the right thing...
Reply:All I can say is he's a jerk and why bother putting up with that. NEXT
Reply:it seams you feel very unaprecaited,
Reply:I don't know why, but some guys don't give importance to special dates and gift-giving.

My gf said her ex was like that, too. ...Now he's her ***ex***

I'm not sure there's a remedy. Get used to it or date a sweet, thoughtful, affectionate dude like me. (Couldn't tell you where to find him, though .... sorry.)

Good luck! Hope things get better for you.
Reply:freind your problems is creating to only your behaviour because your behaviour is good for at the during time valentineday and birthday then your boys freind can be angry to you . yet if you feel that your boys freind is wrong this matter then your feel is worng because just can be ki his get the any urgenty piece of work so could not participate your bithday and valentineday (unromantic day ) tht dont'worry it conclusion is depend to you his front is various circumstances which could not with you atthis and valentineday and whereever you gift about that it could be his nearly at this time very shortage of money so could for you buy the any gifts then any should be cause behind at this matter .
Reply:dump da loser
Reply:Some men, not all men by any means, but some men do not see your problem, nor do they understand your problem. It simply is not in them or there personality styles to be romantic. You will have to find a man who is of the personality styles of Devoted, Sensitive, Self Sacraficing, Conscientuous, in order to get what you desire quality wise out of a man. My old man is worse than your old man, at least you got to go to your regular eatery stop, I don't even get that much.I don't even get a bottle of the cheep wrong scent perfume. Nor do I get any help at all paying for my medical expenses period. I have had cancer surgery twice and my old man wasn't no where around. Sometimes it really bothers me, but as a rule, I could care less. He places no value on these types of things, so I don't either, and it's ended up pretty nice.
Reply:Aw, that pretty much sucks. All I can say is be careful, and if you don't like him anymore dump him while you guys still have no children. Remember that regrets ALWAYS come last so be very extra careful.

By the way, be thankful that he got you a perfume, that's already good, atleast he gave you something. But for the Valentine's Day, it's just urgh! And the payment.. Maybe he's a little selfish when it comes to money.:(

Just wish you good luck. Take care!
Reply:DON"T YOU DESERVE TO BE TREATED BETTER? If this guy is treating you this way, why are you putting up with it? If you had a beautiful daughter and a guy was treating her like this, what advise would you give your daughter?give yourself the same advise, stand tall and demand love and respect or else find someone who can make you happy, good luck

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