Saturday, October 24, 2009

Question for the ladies?

If you find a man that truely loves you from the bottom of his heart and goes out of his way to show you everyday, Why would you cheat on him?

You come home from work and a full course dinner is waiting for you. The house work is done (except laundrey). Something nice is always planned on your off days. The sex life is more than satisfying. As soon as you walk in, your man takes your shoes off and rubs your feet knowing that you were working on them all day. The man sets aside playtime to spend with your kids(not his) He provides for you financially if you get caught in a bind. He leaves little notes around saying "i love you". And he brings your favorite flowers and gifts just because he cares!

Why do you tell him that you love him like you never loved anyone before and that you want to spend the rest of your life with him THAN CHEAT ON HIM!!

Is this something that women are programed to do? Cheat on a "good guy" with a low life loser that abuses woman?

Question for the ladies?
Awww I feel so bad for you! I'm gonna cry! You seem like the PERFECT boyfriend/husband. This girl took you for granted. Just wait...she is gonna come crawling back and begging you to forgive her. DON'T DO IT! She isn't worth it. But you will find someone one day. It may take a while and I don't blame you for the way you feel. But there is someone out there for you that won't do this to you.

Good luck and I hope you feel better. Go have a night out with the guys. Forget the women for now and just have fun!
Reply:Thats soo sweet but I believe that the question should have been would you cheat on him not why would you cheat on him. But thats sad is all of that true? Report It

Reply:I am sorry for you pain. Not all women cheat and you have to realize that. Just like not all men cheat. It hurts, I know I had that happen to me, and he cheated with my best friend. I like you swore I would never ever trust another man. But like the saying goes, it is better to love and maybe get hurt, then it is to never ever love again.

It has taken me a lot of time as it will you, but the right person does come around. Learn from this heartache but never ever loose who you are. Someday you will find someone who will love all you do for her and she in return will do for you..
Reply:Sorry for your pain. Not all women cheat. I think that yours may have been tempted. Temptation is evil. It can make you do things that you wouldn't dream of doing. I'm sure that it wasn't you, it sounds like you are very thoughtful and loving.
Reply:Women are the same as men when it comes to cheating, some do and some don't. Unfortunately you fell in love with the type who does cheat. Just don't let what she has done ruin your future relationships.
Reply:I'd be the luckiest woman alive if I had a man like that! I'd love him faithfully and cherish every moment of our relationship.

P.S. I gave my all to my ex, yet he still cheated on me. I sacrificed a lot even without getting anything in return for them. It hurt like HELL. But now I understand that it happened for a good reason - there's someone out there who's more deserving. The same goes to you. There's no reason for you not to be able to move on, start all over, and be happy with a woman you love (and love you in return)! Please don't turn into a player! Good luck! ;)
Reply:because she might not love you as much as you love her.or you aren't her type and she doesn't want to be mean
Reply:Does a guy like that actually exist? If I had a man like that I would cherish him!
Reply:I think you are right I would never cheat on a guy that really really loves me. I would love him the same way back.

make up

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