Sunday, October 11, 2009

My gf finished with me what do i do am going crazy?

hey my gf finished with me nearly 4 weeks ago cos of an argument at work. she was with me for 7 weeks and got with me after spliiting with her ex who she was with 4 years. Whenever i ask my gf would she take me back she says she doesnt know but she likes me, fancies, and has goot feelings for me but can only give friendship. i dont know what to do help ? can i get her back ?? i gave my gf alot of attention buying her expensive gifts, flowers, perfumes, going to pictures and txting and rinigng her quite a bit. Ive decided not to txt her for while and give her some space, do you think she would miss me or think about me ? n is der ne chance of me getting her back ?? Plus i havent txt her today so when should i next txt her if she doesnt txt me ? i treated her like a princess do you think she would miss me ??? do you think she needs a bit more space and time to get over her ex, and maybe i was too full on ? she says she can only give me friendship for now, do u fink she wud miss me

My gf finished with me what do i do am going crazy?
Make her jealous.
Reply:Even if it doesn't work, think of how much fun it will be. Report It

Reply:apparently not. you need to back off my friend before you go make yourself ill thinking about it.
Reply:Didn't you just ask this one today
Reply:I'm not gonna tell you to forget her , (this is quite unrealistic )

but i say , move forward , look for somone else , you'll find her..

and who knows she might be better than this one ,

Be Brave man !!
Reply:I think you have swamped her, maybe she wants space, maybe you have been over the top. You can NEVER get someone back unless they want you. Don't keep texting her and give her some space. 7 weeks is not that long.
Reply:give her a week before texting, just to test if she can take it. girls can be crazy man. im sorry to say it sounds like she used you to rebound. its a nasty trick girls (and guys) do. dont worry, she'll miss the attention soon
Reply:Get real. 7 weeks??

Well, hardly the romance of the century was it?

Get over it.

Grow up.
Reply:i aint gonna be easy but dont contact her at all, you was probably too nice to her, you need to balance it out wiv women not to nice not to nasty. she will be suprised you havent been on her case and ring you to see wot you ve been up to. go out wiv mates and get back on the hunt. if she knows you aint waiting for her it will drive her crazy. and puts you in control, she may just be confused between you and her longtime ex. dont be there when she feels like it.
Reply:I am a woman. Say ok to her, friends will be fine. BUT do not ring her, do not visit her. DO NOT answer your phone when she calls, wait until the third time she tries you and be happy and charming but that you cant talk long. Keep doing this only answer a third of her calls.

Basically be all sweet and nice but avoid her too. Be too busy to see her, talk to her. She will soon want to come running back.
Reply:God you sound like a loser,
Reply:make her jealous
Reply:My suggestion:

Everyone has baggage. Add this misadventure to yours and move on.
Reply:Strip Club baibeh!!!!
Reply:i think u fell in love with her to quickly, gave too much to her too soon, if she doesn't text u than i would not her. as u don't want to appear too needy, as that will not win u any respect from her, distance yourself from her and wait and see. i do think she needed more time to get over the ex, maybe she is even back with him. u invested too fast, and too much for something u did not really check out. sometimes when we are in love we still can't just blindly go into something, without giving it alot of thought first. she can only give u friendship because she is probably back with her ex.
Reply:give her time, she said she wants friendship. do that. be a good friend. if it's going to be something more, time will tell.
Reply:I think after being in a relationship for 4 years she probably would just want to take a new relationship slowly. It's nice that you gave her a lot of attention but remember gifts all the time aren't necessary.

You shouldn't text her until she texts you, however if you really want to talk to her just send her a simple text saying "Hey.. I just wanted to see how you're going, how you're well, ttyl" or something, but don't be all full on in the text.

Sometimes even though you like someone it's just not enough to make you want to enter a relationship again. Also, going from one relationship to another relationship can be difficult and confusing.

Give her some time, I'm sure she will miss you.
Reply:two people in love don't need space they want to be together,this has to be mutual . dude she's got her eye maybe more on someone else. go out and find ya some strange , get over her. she will be sorry someday then it will be to late for her.
Reply:Try to take the test for the military and go away on a paid vacation for a while. Then you will forget.
Reply:wait for that friendship


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