Friday, March 12, 2010

How/why does someone act madly in love but continue to cheat behind that persons back?

My 30 yr old bro "Jo" has been dating his old high school gf for over 6 mons. He braggs consently about how wonderful "Peg" is to anyone who will listen. He spends all his free time with her and showers her with gifts,cards,flowers. Brings her to all the family functions and spends the whole time dotting on her. Well I just found out Jo has been cheating on Peg with someone at work(long story but know its true) and not just once but for over 4 mons! Jo told this girl all about Peg and that he has no plans on leaving Peg for her BUT Peg does not have a clue about this other ckick!If Peg ever found out she would be heartbroken and Jo knows this. So my questions are 1. If someone is "madly" in love why would they want to cheat(numerous) times on someone they charish and risk getting cought and hurting the other person. 2. I love my bf and don't even have a desire to cheat with anyone else even if i could get away with it so why would my bro?

How/why does someone act madly in love but continue to cheat behind that persons back?
That's because of deep-seeded insecurity,caused by ambivalente personality. All, what do that kind of persons, is intention to conferm themselves (and others) in something, they know isn't true. They want to sacrify this lie together with the person, who belived in. They want to deal ther deep pain and mostly "gift" it.


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