Sunday, March 14, 2010

There's this girl i like, but does she like me?

here's the scoop. she asked me out to a movie and we have been going out since. i give her flowers, get her gifts and we go out to dinner too. we even take turns (unoficially) on who takes the bill and all. i needed some advice. at work nobody knows we go out. nobody knows i give her gifts. its like a closet dating thing. we don't have a romance thing. so my question is what should i do? we are not doing the boyfriend and girlfriend thing. but im interested. i don't know if she is or not though. please help!!!!

There's this girl i like, but does she like me?
Well my answer is simply this and that is if she thinks that you are just friends hanging out then that is all it is to her but if you let her know how you feel then that changes.Then she will either think about it and let you know if she feels the same or not but you have to let her know. True love might be passing you both by.
Reply:She would not be wasting her time with you if she was not interested in you. Kiss her, she will respond by kissing you back.
Reply:Do you seriously think it's possible to spend all that time with her if she didn't like you? Either she likes you or she feels really sorry for you. Luckily, she probably likes you. You should ask her to be your girl and see what she says.
Reply:I know it sounds cliche but ask her .... believe it or not usually thats all she is waiting for
Reply:lucky dawg! wud die to be in ur position!!

so u not sure abt her feelings? hav u asked abt her past? hw many dates she had whn she was a teenager? my ex had 100 crushes b4 she had a crush on me, and i knew b4 going out with her tht she was a slut; and she proved to be one too!

so its v.important to knw ur women. if she's clean, thn i guess she likes u too, but find out if she's reacting professionally or socially! u knw, ask her to kiss u. if she gets pissed, jst tell her tht u were jst kidding, evn tho 1st of april jst passed (belated april fool's day tricks) ;)

but dude, whtevr u do, always carry a spare condom with u. u never knw whn it'll be handy :D
Reply:ask her out, she obviously likes you a lot
Reply:ask her!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont tell ppl at work unless their really really close friends becasue u might get fired for intamte relationships and ask ur self why would she be spenting all the time with me if she didnt like me and p.s if u r dating u should pay the bill girls really like that its a polite old class guy
Reply:Yeah, you should ask her out and quick. I wouldn't ask a guy out. I'm always waiting for the guy to make the first move. She probably likes you way more than you think but is feeling the same way you are...wondering.
Reply:I agree with the other answers. You should ask her and find out what she says...just see if she would like to be your girl. Sounds like both of you may be interested, but both too shy to officially be the couple you want to be.

genealogy mormon

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